Scientific Partnerships & Grant Competition

We want to connect with partners whose areas of interest match our specialization.

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Immuno – Oncology

Combination Therapy

Grants for publications

Rigvir Group has established a grant competition for publications on clinical studies of oncolytic virotherapy, observations or clinical cases. Along with the financial contribution, the grant applicant name will appear in the publication as a co-author.

Grant Competition Rules

Any doctor or researcher preparing the scientific publication can participate in the competition. The only exception are employees of Rigvir Group and related companies, who cannot participate in the competition. Each grant is given for one article after publishing the article.
The study is intended on using oncolytic virotherapy rather than using oncolytic virotherapy in combination with other cancer therapies, medication etc. Grant applicants should inform on the publication topic and present the document draft before commencing the project and submitting it to the chosen journal.

Our R&D focus in oncology

Our effort is based on fundamental goal to block the cancer mortality rates. We are seeking like-minded partners interested in development of oncolytic virotherapy products.


Uveal Melanoma

Stomach Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Kidney Cancer

Uterine Cancer

Bladder Cancer

Lung Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Several Types of Sarcoma

Breast Cancer

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